Learning Matters

Founded in 2004, Learning Matters Foundation, now a Max Learning Venture based in New Delhi seeks to address the educational needs of all children. Sonya Philip is the founder of Learning Matters Foundation and now the CEO of Learning Matters by Max Learning Ventures. She loves children and is an educator with two post graduate degrees in education from the United States including one in special education. Sonya has over three decades of teaching experience. She has taught at The American School in New Delhi and at The Lab School of Washington in DC. Besides being a reading specialist trained in several recognised reading programs, she has attended several professional courses at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and at the Reggio Emilia Malaguzzi Centre.
Sonya Philip and Learning Matters Foundation has mentored TCG and we share our educational philosophy with them; of a child centered approach, where each child is respected and challenged according to their unique learning profile.